
Problem C

Problem description

The full problem-description is available in Canvas:

Kattis submission

Submit the solution.py file from the script folder containing your solutions.
Make sure the solution or any files you submit are in Python3!
Use: "#! /usr/bin/env python3" at the top to let Kattis auto detect the language.
Do not submit the entire skeleton! Only the solution.py and any additional file you wrote for it.

Kattis Result

Kattis will test your solution on 6 test cases for E and 6 test cases for C.

  • You get 10 Points per E-level Solution.

  • You get 1 Points per C-Level Solution.

Max score is 66 points.


E grade for $>=$ 60 points.
C grade for $>=$ 66 points.

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