-4016 days 12:16:03
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popuph14 hemtal v05

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Time Remaining


Starts in

-4016 days 12:16:03

Ends in

-3651 days 12:16:03


2013-12-31 01:00 CET


2014-12-31 01:00 CET

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popuph14 hemtal v05

Problem D
Jack and Jill — Problem Statistics

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Submissions 41
Accepted submissions 6
Submission ratio 14.63%
Authors 8
Accepted authors 5
Author ratio 62.50%

The 10 fastest solutions (all languages)

1Mikael Florén0.19 sC++2014-10-14 10:21:53
2Mårten Wiman0.32 sC++2014-03-06 20:32:44
3Marc Vinyals0.43 sC++2014-10-10 17:32:31
4Bjarki Ágúst Guðmundsson0.47 sC++2014-04-25 22:38:28
5Jens Ståhl1.63 sJava2014-03-06 20:14:26

The 10 shortest solutions (all languages)

1Marc Vinyals3701C++2014-10-10 17:32:31
2Mårten Wiman5742C++2014-03-06 20:32:44
3Mikael Florén6005C++2014-10-14 10:21:53
4Jens Ståhl7471Java2014-03-06 20:14:26
5Bjarki Ágúst Guðmundsson11880C++2014-04-25 22:38:28

Solution running time distribution