-1615 days 0:58:53
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KTH MF2095 - Programming Task - Based on “Data in Computers - The Basics”

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-1615 days 0:58:53

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-1435 days 0:58:53


2020-08-21 17:00 CEST


2021-02-17 16:00 CET

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KTH MF2095 - Programming Task - Based on “Data in Computers - The Basics”

Visual Basic

Compiler settings

We use dotnet 8.0.404 to compile your program with the following command:

$ dotnet build --no-restore --configuration Release ---framework net8.0 --runtime linux-x64 -p:RootNamespace=kattis

    File Extensions

    Files with any of the following file extensions will be used: .vb

    Additional information

    Additional language-specific advice and information for many languages is available in the knowledge base