KTH Team Theory Training 2018-10-29


Name Solved / Tries Average tries Average tries to solve
A Board Covering 0/0 (0%) -- --
B Cumulative Sums 0/0 (0%) -- --
C Engaging with Loyal Customers 0/1 (0%) 1.00 --
D Familiar Digit 0/0 (0%) -- --
E Famous Pagoda 0/0 (0%) -- --
F Game of Divisibility 0/0 (0%) -- --
G Land Inheritance 0/0 (0%) -- --
H Let's Play Monopoly! 1/1 (100%) 1.00 1.00
I Nim Cheater 0/0 (0%) -- --
J Keep the Parade Safe 0/0 (0%) -- --