IROB Assignments

Welcome to IROB Assignments


Make sure to be completely registered before submitting solutions. Registrations means all of the following steps must be complete:

1) Register for course in Kattis.
2) Join the session.
3) Enter your first and last name as your team name.

If you haven't completed all three steps, your submissions will not count as being submitted for grading, and you will not get a grade on the course. If you register after the deadline, your submissions will count as being submitted after the deadline.

Read more about registering here:

Start & End Times

Start Time 2022-09-06 08:22 CEST
End time 2023-09-06 08:22 CEST


Partial Credit — Unranked

Each problem is scored, with partial credit possible. Participants are not ranked.


  • No results are shown.